We have acted as/for:
- Domestic Legal Expert to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) & the Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan in connection with the ADB funded project relating to Enhancing Capital Market Depth in Pakistan and proving advice on Pakistan law issues for the report submitted to the Ministry of Finance;
- Legal advisor to ADB & the Ministry of Commerce in connection with drafting separate legislation on anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties and safeguard measures to implement the relevant agreements of the World Trade Organisation as part of the ADB sponsored Institutional Support for Trade Regime and Modernisation of Customs Administration Project;
- Legal advisor to ADB & the Ministry of Law and Justice in connection with the Economic Law Reform cluster of the ADB funded Legal and Judicial Reform Project;
- Preparing a detailed report sponsored by the Aga Khan Foundation on the laws relating to establishment of charitable organisations for the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy including advice on companies incorporated under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984;
- Legal consultant to the ADB and the National Disaster Risk Management Fund;
- Legal advisor to IUCN – The World Conservation Union and the United Nations Development Programme on the incorporation of a self-sustaining endowment fund to finance biodiversity conservation in the Northern Areas of Pakistan;